Bee Removals and Pollination in the Rio Grande Valley
We LOVE to share our knowledge with fellow beekeepers and non-keepers alike and offer a wide variety of presentation topics and styles. If you have a specific need or idea in mind, please contact us and see if we can custom make a presentation for you!
For kids and teens we offer fun presentations on:
Bee basics.
What does a beekeeper do?
How to help save bees and butterflies!
Beekeeping foundation class (Teens)
For adults we offer more in-depth, informational presentations on:
Role of bees and butterflies for garden and crop pollination
Bee and native pollinator conservation
Bee Safety – How to stay safe working outdoors
History of the Africanized Honey Bee
Bee proofing properties for homeowners
Treasures of the hive: Honey, Wax, Royal Jelly, Propolis, and more!
We also offer presentations geared towards prospective and novice beekeepers such as:
Beekeeping Foundation class
Native plants for good bee forage in the RGV
Diseases and pest management
How to handle africanized bees
How to capture swarms
Honey bee biology
Beekeeping in the RGV
Dawn Johnston giving a presentation about bees to non-beekeepers in 2019.