We offer live, humane, bee removals across the Rio Grande Valley. We are up to any challenge and have removed bees from both residential and commercial buildings. Every situation is unique so we offer free consultations to give you an accurate quote. Using an infrared camera, we can pinpoint the location of a hive inside of a building without causing any cosmetic or structural damage and minimise any deconstruction we need to conduct to remove the hive.
We deal with a variety of situations including residential and business properties in Willacy, Cameron, Hidalgo, and Starr counties. Whether the bees are in a soffit, under a trailer, in a tree, or an attic, we have the tools and experience to handle it all! For extreme jobs, we also have experience in using machinery such as bucket lifts, man lifts, scissor lifts and other assorted technology. We also always carry a variety of battery powered and non-powered tools.
After removing them from your property, we relocate the bees to our apiary where they rest and recover for a year. After they are rehabilitated we will use them for pollination contracts on various farms throughout the Valley.
We are beekeepers, not pest control operators! Please, if you contact us about a bee issue, you need to disclose whether or not they were (or have been suspected to be) sprayed with pesticides!
We understand that accidents and emergencies happen, however there is little we can do as beekeepers after bees have already been sprayed with pesticides. We have already experienced the lethal result of clients not telling us when they have attempted to exterminate bees using pesticides. Unfortunately when that happens our tools and bee-safe custom vacuum gets contaminated. No matter what we did to clean our equipement, every colony we attempted to save with that vac ended up dying.